MNCM Launches the Performance Hub

Creation date: 1/16/2025 11:16 AM    Updated: 1/16/2025 11:16 AM   reports

MNCM Launches the Performance Hub

MNCM is enhancing its public reporting to provide timely, actionable data to drive advancements in health care quality, equity, and affordability. By sharing meaningful insights, MNCM aspires to foster collaboration among community partners, ultimately enhancing health outcomes across diverse populations.

MNCM’s Performance Hub has interactive performance reports that provide comprehensive analyses of health care quality and cost measures. The performance reports provide detailed insights on statewide rates, statewide trends, performance variation by regions and medical groups, and performance by various demographics. These performance reports will be refreshed tri-annually following the finalization of each data stream (quality measures reported by medical groups, quality measures reported by payers, and cost and utilization).

In lieu of the community reports that MNCM releases throughout the second half of the year, MNCM will be launching a comprehensive annual report that provides in-depth analyses and actionable insights tailored to community needs. The report for 2023 Measurement Year (MY) results will be released in early 2025. MNCM will continue to release the Disparities by Insurance Type Report in collaboration with the MN Department of Human Services (DHS).

MNCM also transitioned its Appendix Tables to an on-request model to allow assessment of its utility. The appendix tables are available for each measure that MNCM publicly reports. These tables provide medical group and/or clinic level performance rates for each measure, including a comparison to the statewide average (i.e., rating). Please submit a request using this form.

Medical group and clinic level performance results can also be accessed through MNHealthScores, which offers unbiased, trustworthy performance data for medical groups and clinics, enabling consumers to make informed decisions based on quality and cost ratings.

Password protected files available for review and comment as part of the data submission and validation process.