PRO-CTCAE tool links archive

Creation date: 7/13/2020 12:08 PM    Updated: 3/24/2022 11:33 PM    cancer scdc symptom symptom control during chemotherapy
Links to the PROC-CTCAE tool are below. If your organization has already implemented the 2016 tool, there is no need to update it to the 2022 version. Please see the attached document for instructions for obtaining the tool.  
  • PRO-CTCAE Terms of Use:  Acceptable modes of administration include in person, by telephone, by mail or electronic administration. In all instances, the tool must be kept intact including content, order and scoring. Please review the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Terms of Use here
  • For electronic adaptation, after reviewing the Terms of Use, complete a Terms Agreement with NCI. FYI, this agreement is located within the custom form builder, which can be used to select additional symptoms if desired.
This category is for questions related to the oncology clinical quality measure suite.